The State of Open Science at the University of Cyprus
The State of Open Science at the University of Cyprus https://opusproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/b_ucy.jpg 900 540 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project https://opusproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/b_ucy.jpgThe Open and Universal Science (OPUS) project is working to reshape how research and researchers are assessed, focusing on developing and testing new indicators and methods. This initiative, which promotes open science practices, involves three Research Performing Organisations (RPOs)—Nova University Lisbon, the University of Rijeka (UNIRI), and the University of Cyprus—as well as two Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) from Lithuania and Romania (RCL and UEFISCDI). Through these pilot projects, the institutions are collaborating with external experts and learning from one another to improve their approaches.
OPUS aims to create a research assessment framework that is more inclusive and comprehensive, moving beyond traditional metrics such as bibliometrics and journal impact factors. TThe framework aims to recognise the wide diversity of activities by researchers and incentivise and reward Open Science.
Let’s take a closer look at how the University of Cyprus is contributing to this change.
The State of Open Science at the University of Cyprus: Promoting Engagement, Transparency, and Reproducibility
Open science is a key focus at the University of Cyprus, with a strong commitment to fostering transparency, accessibility, and collaboration in research. While the university’s open science policy is voluntary, meaning researchers are not required to publish in open science outlets, it is highly encouraged. Already, over 60% of the university’s publications are available through open access, showing significant progress in this area.
Supporting Open Access and Open Data
To further promote open science, the University of Cyprus has introduced several initiatives. These include providing funding for researchers to publish in open access journals and to support the publication and management of open data. By offering financial incentives, the university aims to encourage a culture of openness among its researchers.
Embedded video: https://youtu.be/q28J99tjXSo?feature=shared
Enhancing Reproducibility Through Practical Tools
A key part of the university’s approach to open science is improving the reproducibility of research. The university has developed seminars that focus on practical tools and methods to help researchers produce reproducible work. These sessions are designed to equip researchers with the skills they need to ensure their studies can be replicated and validated by others—an essential element of high-quality scientific work.
Engaging Citizens in Research
Citizen engagement is another important aspect of the university’s open science initiatives. By involving stakeholders and the public through participatory science, the university hopes to make research more transparent and impactful. Awareness events have already been held, aiming to promote the idea that involving citizens in scientific research can lead to better, more accessible results.
Future Plans for Open Science Integration
Looking ahead, the University of Cyprus is committed to further integrating open science principles into its policies and practices. The university’s open science policy has already been approved by its governing bodies, marking an important step forward. Researchers are encouraged to create ORCID identifiers, which help make their work publicly available and connected to the broader research community.
Although the university acknowledges that it is still in the early stages of fully integrating open science into all aspects of its operations, it is making steady progress. The university is part of several projects and initiatives, including the OPUS project, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), and the COARA National Chapter, all of which support its efforts to advance open science.
Embedding Open Science into its Research Culture
The University of Cyprus is committed to embedding open science into its research culture. With a focus on open access publishing, reproducibility, and citizen engagement, the university is working towards a research environment that is more inclusive and transparent. As it continues to develop its policies and practices, the university aims to make further progress in supporting open science and its benefits for the wider community.
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