RAISE contributes to the development of a new and sustainable integrated support framework for startups
This framework will foster startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe in all its dimensions, from initial funding, research support to public incentives and internationalisation. The result will be promoting competitive business models, unconventional collaborations and solutions from all in Europe, and contributing to the establishment of a true EU startup ecosystem, not based on a single city or region, but linking all of them together.
An Interconnected Startup Space
We will establish sustainable and in-depth links between the partners and local or regional, or national ecosystems and launch a community of practice that will contribute to an interconnected space and will facilitate the growth of scale-ups in Europe.
New Startup Business Models
We will design, refine and further develop a common action plan for supporting new startup business models into solid technical and conceptual frameworks at the EU and global level, from the conceptual, technical, financial, societal, and legal points of view.
Best Practices/Policies
We will map and promote support activities to startups conducted at the regional level across Europe and mobilise regional efforts to address relevant barriers to startups’ growth, such as harmonisation of policies and regulations, access to talent and to major research infrastructures.
RAISE specifically aims to link the following stakeholders:
regions represented under SERN
Investors/EBAN members
Innovation and Development Agencies in EURADA
researchers worldwide via ICORSA’s member associations
science and technology parks gathered under IASP represented by F-PCTEX