
The Impact and Significance of Open Access for Students
The Impact and Significance of Open Access for Students 855 513 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

Hey there, curious minds! Have you ever found yourself delving deep into the realms of research, only to hit a brick wall when you’re met with a paywall? Frustrating, right? Well, fear not, because the era of open access is here to liberate knowledge and revolutionize the way students access information.

Picture this: You’re a student, burning the midnight oil, working on your thesis or diving into a new area of study. You stumble upon a groundbreaking paper that could change the game for your research, only to find out it’s hidden behind a subscription fee or a hefty pay-per-view charge. It’s like having the key to unlock the door to enlightenment, only to realize it’s locked and the key costs a fortune.

Enter open access, the superhero of academia. It’s like a giant library where the doors are always open, and the books are free to borrow. In a nutshell, open access ensures that scholarly articles, research papers, and educational resources are freely available to anyone with an internet connection. No more barriers, no more boundaries – just a vast sea of knowledge waiting to be explored.

But why is open access such a big deal for students? Well, for starters, it levels the playing field. Gone are the days when access to information was reserved for those with deep pockets or institutional affiliations. Now, whether you’re a high school student writing a paper or a Ph.D. candidate pushing the boundaries of human knowledge, you have the same access to resources as anyone else.

Think about the impact this can have on education. Suddenly, students from all walks of life have the tools they need to succeed. No longer constrained by the limitations of their school’s library budget or the constraints of traditional publishing models, students are free to explore, innovate, and collaborate like never before.

But it’s not just about leveling the playing field – open access also fuels innovation and discovery. By breaking down the barriers to information, it enables researchers to build upon each other’s work, accelerating the pace of progress in every field imaginable. Ideas can flourish, hypotheses can be tested, and solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges can emerge.

And let’s not forget about the financial aspect. College tuition and textbook costs are already sky-high – do we really need to add expensive journal subscriptions to the mix? Open access ensures that students aren’t burdened with yet another expense, freeing up precious resources for other essentials like food, housing, and, dare I say it, a little bit of fun now and then.

But perhaps the most exciting thing about open access is the sense of community it fosters. When knowledge is freely shared, boundaries dissolve, and connections are formed. Students can collaborate with peers from around the globe, learn from experts in their field, and contribute to the collective pool of human understanding.

So, the next time you find yourself on a quest for knowledge, remember the power of open access. It’s more than just a way to access articles – it’s a movement that’s transforming education, driving innovation, and empowering students to reach new heights. So go ahead, dive in, and unlock the endless possibilities that await. After all, the door is open – all you have to do is walk through it.

Photo via Teacher Magazine

Study on Scientific Publishing in Europe
Study on Scientific Publishing in Europe 642 680 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

In the ever-evolving world of scholarly publishing, the rise of open access has stirred up quite a storm. But amidst this whirlwind of change, there’s a cloud of confusion and secrecy surrounding the money that keeps the wheels turning in the world of academic research. As Europe takes steps to make publishing fairer and more transparent, a recent study has taken a close look at the costs, policies, and practices driving scholarly publishing across the continent.

The European Union has made it clear: they want to clean up the murky waters of deals between institutions, funders, and publishers. They’re aiming for a publishing world that’s clear, open, and doesn’t rely on authors paying to publish their work.

Commissioned to help the European Commission’s push for open access, this study digs deep into how research gets published in Europe. From government policies to deals between universities and publishers, the study breaks down the money behind getting research out to the public.

One big focus of the study is on how different European countries support open access publishing. But there’s a problem: information is all over the place, and not everyone is playing by the same rules. Some countries are investing big bucks, while others seem to be holding back. This shows the urgent need for clear rules and better sharing of information.

The study also shines a light on the role of funders in the world of open access. Some are happy to foot the bill for authors to publish their work openly, while others prefer to support specific projects. But when it comes to funding newer, more experimental forms of publishing, like non-profit ventures, things get tricky. It’s clear that new ideas need new ways of funding.

Then there’s the tangled web of deals between publishers and institutions. From big agreements covering whole countries to smaller deals between individual universities and publishers, it’s a complicated world. But the details of these deals often stay hidden, making it hard to see where the money’s going.

Looking ahead, the study sees a way to get a better handle on how much open access publishing really costs. By matching up data on what gets published with how much it costs, we can get a clearer picture. But there are obstacles in the way, like confusing agreements between publishers and universities, and a lack of detailed information.

Armed with the insights from this study, policymakers and researchers are being urged to work together to make publishing fairer and more open. That means sharing more information, making contracts public, and building better systems to track what gets published and how much it costs.

In the end, this study is like a roadmap, guiding Europe towards a future where research isn’t hidden behind paywalls, but is freely available to everyone who wants to learn and discover.

Full report – click here.

Embracing the Future: Open Science in the U.S. Federal Context and Beyond
Embracing the Future: Open Science in the U.S. Federal Context and Beyond 900 506 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

In the rapidly evolving landscape of scientific research, the principles of openness, collaboration, and transparency are becoming increasingly vital. The recent collaboration between the Center for Open Science (COS) and NASA exemplifies this ethos, culminating in a groundbreaking conference scheduled for March 21 and 22, 2024. This event, which is open to all at no cost, promises to be a pivotal moment for the scientific community, as it delves into the outcomes and future prospects stemming from the 2023 Year of Open Science (YOS).

The agenda for the conference is packed with diverse sessions designed to appeal to a broad audience. From plenary sessions featuring distinguished speakers to lightning talks providing quick insights, attendees can expect a rich tapestry of discussions covering various facets of open science.

One of the highlighted sessions, titled “Reflections on a Year of Open Science,” promises to offer a comprehensive overview of the initiatives and achievements realized during the YOS. Speakers Ana Persic of UNESCO, Maryam Zaringhalam from the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), and Chelle Gentemann of NASA will provide invaluable insights into the progress made and the path forward. Moderated by Lisa Cuevas Shaw of COS and Alison Parker from the Wilson Center Science and Technology Innovation Program, this session sets the tone for reflection and strategic planning.

Another session, “The Critical Roles of Grassroots Initiatives and Communities,” underscores the importance of bottom-up approaches in driving the adoption of open science practices. With speakers representing diverse grassroots movements and communities, including Gathering for Open Science Hardware and PREreview, attendees will gain a deeper appreciation for the power of collective action in fostering openness and inclusivity in research.

NASA’s contributions to the open science movement are also prominently featured, with sessions focusing on advances in research evaluation and ongoing activities within US federal agencies. These discussions, led by experts such as Eva Méndez, Haley Hazlett, and Caitlin Carter, highlight the agency’s commitment to embracing open science principles and fostering collaboration on a global scale.

Moreover, the conference addresses critical issues such as open source scientific hardware, transparency across the research lifespan, and the security of open science software and data. By convening experts from academia, industry, and government, these sessions aim to chart a course towards a more transparent, equitable, and secure research ecosystem.

The conference organizers have extended invitations to a diverse array of stakeholders, including funders, university leaders, policymakers, and members of the research community. This inclusive approach underscores the importance of collective action in advancing the principles of open science.

As we look towards the future, it is clear that embracing open science is not merely an option but a necessity. By fostering collaboration, transparency, and inclusivity, we can unlock the full potential of scientific research and address some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity. The COS-NASA conference represents a crucial step forward on this journey, providing a platform for dialogue, reflection, and collective action. Whether you are a seasoned researcher, a policymaker, or simply passionate about the future of science, this event promises to inspire and inform. Register now to be a part of this transformative moment in the history of science.

Register for free here.

The Hidden Cost of Subscriptions: A Barrier to Open Access for Researchers and the Public
The Hidden Cost of Subscriptions: A Barrier to Open Access for Researchers and the Public 1024 576 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

In the age of digital information, access to knowledge is often seen as a fundamental right, vital for both researchers and the general public alike. However, the reality is often far from ideal, with a significant portion of scholarly research locked behind paywalls and subscription fees. While subscriptions have long been the norm for academic journals and databases, their impact on open access cannot be overstated. In this blog post, we delve into the hidden costs of subscriptions and how they pose a barrier to open access for both researchers and the public.

  1. Restricted Access to Research: One of the most glaring issues with subscription-based models is the restricted access they impose on scholarly research. Many high-impact journals and databases require expensive subscriptions, effectively putting a price tag on knowledge. This means that individuals without access through institutional affiliations or personal subscriptions are often left in the dark, unable to reach crucial research findings. Such restrictions not only hinder the progress of individual researchers but also impede the advancement of knowledge as a whole.
  2. Financial Burden on Institutions: Subscriptions come with a hefty price tag, and these costs are often shouldered by academic institutions, libraries, and research organizations. The ever-increasing subscription fees can strain institutional budgets, forcing them to make difficult decisions about which resources to prioritize. This financial burden not only limits the institutions’ ability to provide access to a wide range of research but also diverts funds away from other critical areas such as faculty development, student support, and infrastructure improvement.
  3. Exclusion of Marginalized Communities: The subscription-based model exacerbates inequalities in access to information, particularly for marginalized communities. Individuals from low-income backgrounds, researchers in developing countries, and independent scholars often face significant barriers in accessing subscription-based content due to financial constraints. This perpetuates disparities in knowledge dissemination, reinforcing existing power imbalances within academia and society at large.
  4. Stifling Innovation and Collaboration: Open access fosters collaboration and innovation by allowing researchers from diverse backgrounds to freely access and build upon existing knowledge. However, subscription barriers hinder this collaborative spirit by limiting the circulation of research findings. As a result, potential collaborations may be stifled, and valuable insights may remain untapped, ultimately slowing down the pace of scientific progress.
  5. Impact on Public Understanding: Access to scientific research shouldn’t be limited to academic circles alone; it’s equally essential for the public to engage with and understand the latest advancements. Subscription barriers prevent broader dissemination of knowledge to the public, hindering science communication efforts and impeding informed decision-making on societal issues. This lack of accessibility undermines the democratic principles of knowledge sharing and stifles public discourse on matters of scientific importance.

While subscriptions may offer a revenue stream for publishers, their impact on open access cannot be ignored. The barriers they pose to researchers and the public hinder the free flow of information, stifle collaboration and innovation, and perpetuate inequalities in knowledge dissemination. As advocates for open access, it’s crucial for researchers, institutions, and policymakers to explore alternative models that prioritize equitable access to scholarly research for all. Only by breaking down these barriers can we truly realize the transformative potential of open access for advancing knowledge and benefiting society as a whole.

Photo via PCmag

A Human Approach to Fairness and Inclusion
A Human Approach to Fairness and Inclusion 1024 538 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

Today, let’s dive into a topic that’s as diverse as the colors of the rainbow: diversity in academia. Picture this: academia is like a vibrant garden, bursting with different flowers, each unique in its beauty and contribution. But just like any garden, it requires care and attention to ensure that all flowers, regardless of their shape, size, or color, have the opportunity to thrive. So, let’s grab our watering cans and gardening gloves as we explore what diversity in academia truly means and how we can nurture it fairly.

First things first, what exactly is diversity in academia? Well, it’s not just about ticking boxes or meeting quotas. Diversity is about recognizing and celebrating the rich tapestry of human experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds that make up the academic community. It’s about embracing differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, and more, because it’s these differences that enrich our collective understanding and propel us forward in our quest for knowledge.

Now, you might be wondering: how do we ensure that our academic garden is truly diverse and inclusive? Here are a few human-friendly strategies to consider:

  1. Cultivating Inclusive Spaces: Just like plants need the right soil to grow, people need inclusive environments to thrive. This means creating spaces where everyone feels welcome, valued, and respected, regardless of who they are or where they come from. It’s about fostering a culture of belonging where diverse voices are heard and celebrated.
  2. Seeding Opportunities Equitably: Imagine if only certain flowers were given sunlight and water, while others were left to wither in the shade. That wouldn’t be fair, right? Similarly, we must ensure that opportunities for education, funding, mentorship, and advancement are distributed equitably among all members of the academic community. This might mean implementing targeted outreach programs, providing financial support for marginalized students, or actively seeking out diverse perspectives in hiring and promotion decisions.
  3. Nurturing Talent and Potential: Just like plants need care and attention to reach their full potential, so too do aspiring scholars from underrepresented backgrounds. This means providing mentorship, support, and resources to help them flourish academically and professionally. It’s about recognizing and nurturing talent wherever it may be found, rather than confining it to traditional molds or expectations.
  4. Harvesting the Fruits of Diversity: Diversity isn’t just a feel-good buzzword; it’s also a catalyst for innovation and excellence. Research has shown time and again that diverse teams are more creative, more productive, and better equipped to tackle complex problems. By harnessing the power of diversity, we can unlock new insights, break down barriers, and pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries that benefit us all.
  5. Continuously Tending to the Garden: Achieving diversity and inclusion isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing commitment that requires constant care and attention. Just as a garden requires regular watering, pruning, and weeding to stay healthy, so too does academia require ongoing efforts to address systemic biases, dismantle barriers, and promote fairness and equity for all.

So there you have it, my fellow gardeners of knowledge: a human-friendly guide to fostering diversity and inclusion in academia. By embracing our differences, nurturing our collective potential, and tending to our academic garden with care and compassion, we can create a more vibrant, equitable, and flourishing scholarly community for generations to come. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work, because together, we can cultivate a brighter future for academia and beyond!

Photo via builtin

How Open Access is Challenging Publisher Monopolies
How Open Access is Challenging Publisher Monopolies 639 400 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s causing ripples in the academic world: the disruptive force of open access on publisher monopolies. Now, you might be wondering, what’s the big deal with open access, and why should we care about challenging publisher monopolies? Well, my friends, buckle up because we’re about to embark on a journey through the fascinating realm of academic publishing.

Let’s start with the basics. Academic publishing has long been dominated by a handful of big players who hold the keys to accessing scholarly research. These publishers wield immense power, controlling the dissemination of knowledge and reaping hefty profits along the way. Sounds a bit unfair, doesn’t it? That’s where open access swoops in like a superhero with a cape fluttering in the wind.

So, what exactly is open access? Simply put, it’s a movement aimed at making scholarly research freely available to anyone with an internet connection. No paywalls, no subscriptions, just pure, unadulterated knowledge accessible to all. It’s like breaking down the gates of the ivory tower and inviting everyone to the feast of learning.

But why does open access matter? Well, imagine you’re a curious soul eager to explore the latest breakthroughs in your field of interest. You stumble upon a groundbreaking study, only to be greeted by a hefty price tag just to read it. Talk about a buzzkill, right? Open access flips the script by tearing down these barriers, allowing researchers, students, and enthusiasts alike to explore a treasure trove of academic literature without emptying their wallets.

Now, here’s where things get really interesting. By challenging publisher monopolies, open access is shaking up the status quo and ushering in a new era of democratized knowledge. Gone are the days when a select few dictated the flow of information. With open access, researchers have the power to share their findings freely, accelerating the pace of discovery and fostering collaboration on a global scale.

But make no mistake, breaking down publisher monopolies isn’t a walk in the park. It’s a David-versus-Goliath battle where entrenched interests clash with the forces of change. Yet, the momentum is on the side of open access advocates, fueled by grassroots movements, institutional mandates, and the relentless march of progress.

So, what’s next on the horizon for open access? Well, the future looks bright, my friends. As more institutions and funders throw their weight behind open access initiatives, the walls of the old publishing fortress are starting to crumble. We’re witnessing a seismic shift in how knowledge is produced, shared, and consumed—a revolution driven by the simple yet profound idea that knowledge should be free for all.

As I wrap up this journey through the world of open access, I invite you to join the movement, whether as a researcher, a reader, or simply a curious soul hungry for knowledge. Together, we can continue to chip away at publisher monopolies, paving the way for a more equitable and accessible future of scholarly communication. After all, in the words of the great Isaac Newton, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” With open access, those shoulders are within reach of us all.

Photo via The Fire Place

University Champions of Open Science
University Champions of Open Science 600 267 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

Hey there, fellow knowledge seekers! Today, I’m thrilled to shine a spotlight on some of the leading institutions driving the open science movement forward. Yes, you guessed it right—it’s time to talk about the University Champions of Open Science!

In our journey towards a future where knowledge knows no bounds, several universities stand out for their unwavering commitment to open science principles. Let’s take a closer look at a few of these trailblazers:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Ah, MIT—the hallowed halls where innovation thrives and boundaries are meant to be pushed. But did you know that MIT isn’t just about cutting-edge research and mind-boggling inventions? It’s also a beacon of open access and knowledge sharing. From their pioneering OpenCourseWare initiative, which makes course materials freely available online, to their advocacy for open access publishing, MIT is a true champion of open science.

University of California, Berkeley: Nestled in the vibrant city of Berkeley, this institution is not only renowned for its towering redwoods but also for its staunch support of open access and open science initiatives. UC Berkeley’s libraries provide extensive resources and guidance for researchers looking to make their work more accessible to the world. Plus, the university isn’t shy about advocating for policies that promote the sharing of research outputs—because knowledge is meant to be shared, not hoarded behind closed doors.

Stanford University: Welcome to the land of innovation and Silicon Valley dreams—Stanford University. But beyond the buzz of startup culture lies a deep commitment to open science. Stanford’s Open Data Project is a testament to this commitment, aiming to make research data more accessible and reusable for all. And let’s not forget the university’s dedication to hosting workshops and seminars on open science topics, encouraging researchers to embrace transparency and collaboration in their work.

University College London (UCL): Across the pond in the bustling heart of London, UCL stands tall as a champion of open science. With its Office for Open Science and Scholarship leading the charge, UCL provides invaluable guidance and support for researchers eager to adopt open science principles. Whether it’s advocating for open access publishing or hosting events to raise awareness about the importance of openness in research, UCL is paving the way for a more transparent and inclusive scientific community.

University of Cambridge: Last but certainly not least, we have the historic University of Cambridge—a bastion of learning and discovery for centuries. But don’t let its ancient roots fool you—Cambridge is at the forefront of the open science movement. With dedicated support services for researchers seeking to make their work more accessible and a commitment to hosting events and workshops on open science topics, Cambridge is ensuring that the pursuit of knowledge remains open to all who seek it.

These universities, along with many others around the globe, are leading the charge towards a future where knowledge is free, accessible, and inclusive. So here’s to the University Champions of Open Science—may their dedication to openness and collaboration inspire us all to unlock the secrets of the universe, one discovery at a time!

Photo via NumFocus

The Societal Impact of Open Science: A Comprehensive Review
The Societal Impact of Open Science: A Comprehensive Review 992 1024 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

Abstract: Open Science (OS) has emerged as a transformative approach to research, aiming to democratize access to knowledge and enhance its societal impact. However, assessing this impact poses significant challenges. This scoping review systematically examines existing evidence on the societal impact of OS, encompassing various aspects such as Citizen Science (CS), Open Access (OA), and Open/FAIR Data (OFD). Through a meticulous analysis of 196 studies, this review identifies key areas of impact and sheds light on knowledge gaps, providing insights for future research and policy development.

Introduction: In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on measuring the societal impact of academic research, driven by government policies and funding frameworks worldwide. The adoption of Open Science (OS) practices aligns with this agenda, aiming to foster transparency, inclusivity, and accessibility in research. Despite these intentions, the empirical evidence regarding the societal impact of OS remains scarce. This review aims to address this gap by systematically synthesizing existing literature on the topic.

Methods: This review follows the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews methodology and poses primary and secondary research questions to guide the study. Through a comprehensive search strategy across academic databases and grey literature sources, relevant studies are identified, selected, and analyzed. The study protocol, pre-registered and published on the Open Science Framework platform, ensures methodological rigor and transparency.

Results: The review identifies 196 studies providing evidence of societal impact driven by OS, with a predominant focus on Citizen Science (CS), followed by Open Access (OA). Key areas of impact include education and awareness, climate and environment, and social engagement. However, limited evidence is found regarding the impact of Open/FAIR Data (OFD) and other aspects of OS, such as policy, health, and trust in academic research.

Discussion: The findings underscore the need for further empirical research to comprehensively understand the societal impact of OS. While OS holds the potential to enhance societal benefit, challenges related to causality and measurement persist. Addressing these challenges requires concerted efforts from researchers, funders, and policymakers to develop robust methodologies and frameworks for assessing impact.

Conclusion: This scoping review provides valuable insights into the societal impact of Open Science, highlighting both its potential and limitations. By elucidating key areas of impact and identifying knowledge gaps, this review informs future research agendas and policy interventions aimed at maximizing the societal benefits of OS.

Keywords: Open Science, Societal Impact, Citizen Science, Open Access, Research Policy, Scoping Review.

Cole, N. L., Kormann, E., Klebel, T., Apartis, S., & Ross-Hellauer, T. (2024, February 21). The societal impact of Open Science–a scoping review. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/tqrwg

Photo via Open Access Belgium

European Regional Differences in Implementing Open Science Principles
European Regional Differences in Implementing Open Science Principles 850 705 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

While the overarching principles of Open Science are global, the implementation of these principles can vary significantly across different regions. In Europe, this diversity is particularly pronounced due to the continent’s rich tapestry of cultures, policies, and research landscapes. Let’s delve into the fascinating regional differences in the implementation of Open Science principles across Europe.

Northern Europe: Pioneers of Open Science Northern European countries such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland have long been at the forefront of Open Science initiatives. These nations boast robust infrastructures and a strong culture of collaboration and transparency in research. Institutions and funding agencies in these countries have been quick to adopt Open Science principles, mandating open access publishing, data sharing, and promoting open-source software.

The Netherlands, for instance, is renowned for its commitment to Open Science, with institutions like Delft University of Technology leading the charge. The Dutch government has implemented policies to ensure that publicly funded research results are openly accessible, contributing to the widespread adoption of Open Science practices.

Central and Eastern Europe: Embracing Open Science Amid Challenges Central and Eastern European countries have made significant strides in embracing Open Science, albeit facing unique challenges. Countries like Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic have been proactive in adopting Open Science policies, recognizing its potential to enhance research quality and innovation.

However, infrastructure limitations, funding constraints, and cultural factors pose obstacles to the widespread adoption of Open Science practices in these regions. Despite these challenges, grassroots movements and international collaborations are driving progress. Initiatives like the Central European Initiative (CEI) Open Science Days provide platforms for knowledge exchange and capacity building in Open Science.

Western Europe: Diverse Approaches and Collaborations Western European countries exhibit a diverse array of approaches to Open Science, reflecting their varied research ecosystems and policy frameworks. While countries like Germany and France have made significant investments in Open Science infrastructure and policies, others such as Spain and Italy are navigating their own paths towards greater openness in research.

Collaborative efforts, such as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), aim to foster interoperability and data sharing across borders. Projects like these exemplify the spirit of cooperation and solidarity in advancing Open Science principles throughout the continent.

Challenges and Opportunities: Ahead Despite the progress made in implementing Open Science principles across Europe, significant challenges persist. These include issues related to data privacy, intellectual property rights, and cultural barriers to openness. Furthermore, disparities in funding and resources among European countries can exacerbate inequalities in accessing and participating in Open Science initiatives.

However, amidst these challenges lie vast opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and positive change. By leveraging the diversity of Europe’s research landscape and fostering inclusive practices, the continent can continue to lead the way in advancing Open Science on a global scale.

European regional differences in the implementation of Open Science principles highlight the complex interplay between policy, culture, and infrastructure. From the pioneering efforts of Northern Europe to the emerging initiatives in Central and Eastern Europe, each region brings its own unique perspectives and challenges to the table. By embracing collaboration, investing in infrastructure, and promoting a culture of openness, Europe can truly realize the transformative potential of Open Science for the benefit of society as a whole.

Photo via ResearchGate

Eurodoc launches its “Gender Equality in Research” Campaign
Eurodoc launches its “Gender Equality in Research” Campaign 680 449 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

In recent years, Eurodoc has taken significant strides towards advancing Gender Equality in academia, alongside a heightened focus on diversity and inclusion. Last year, their initiative spotlighted the invaluable contributions of female researchers within the Eurodoc community through the “Women in Research” campaign. Building upon this momentum, they are thrilled to announce the expansion of this campaign to embrace researchers of all genders, underscoring our belief that everyone plays a pivotal role in promoting gender equality in research environments.

Symbolically launching on March 8th, International Women’s Day, our campaign seeks to address the multifaceted nature of gender discrimination as outlined in the Istanbul Convention. It encompasses not only discrimination faced by women due to socially prescribed roles but also extends to challenges encountered by individuals whose gender identity or sexual orientation deviates from societal norms. Understanding that these dimensions of discrimination stem from deeply entrenched cultural paradigms, we aim to create a platform where diverse voices can converge to advocate for equal rights across all spheres of life.

At the heart of their campaign lies a commitment to amplifying the stories of researchers who defy stereotypes and champion inclusivity within academia. Each participant brings a unique perspective, reflecting a rich tapestry of backgrounds, experiences, and aspirations in the pursuit of knowledge. By sharing these narratives, they hope to cultivate a diverse array of role models, demonstrating that excellence in research transcends traditional notions of merit and is inclusive of all who are passionate about advancing knowledge.

As they invite researchers to join our campaign, they encourage reflection on the following questions:

  1. Who are you, and where are you from?
  2. What is your research about?
  3. Why did you pursue a career in research?

In addition, participants are invited to share their insights on why gender equality is important to them and offer examples of strategies for fostering inclusivity within research environments.

To take part in the campaign, simply fill out the Google form linked below and share your story on social media using the hashtags: #WeAreEurodoc, #WomenInResearch, #Eurodoc, #doctoralcandidates, #early_career_researchers. Together, let us pave the way for a more equitable and inclusive future in academia.

Google Form: Participate in the Campaign

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