UNESCO Initiates Global Consultation on Principles for Open Science Monitoring

UNESCO Initiates Global Consultation on Principles for Open Science Monitoring 940 529 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

UNESCO has launched a global consultation inviting stakeholders worldwide to contribute to drafting Principles for Open Science Monitoring. This effort builds upon previous sessions of the UNESCO Working Group on Open Science Monitoring and the December 2023 event, ‘Building an Open Science Monitoring Framework with Open Technologies’.

The draft Principles are available for review and input on UNESCO’s official website, marking the beginning of a comprehensive global consultation. The goal is to incorporate diverse perspectives and encourage broader engagement in shaping the future of open science monitoring globally. The initiative draws upon existing national, regional, and global initiatives in open science monitoring to create a unified and inclusive framework.

Stakeholders are invited to share their expertise and insights by submitting commentary and proposed edits to osmi@unesco.org. The consultation period remains open until 30 November 2024, providing ample time for active participation.

For further information, please contact osmi@unesco.org. UNESCO acknowledges and appreciates the ongoing contributions of the global community towards advancing open science principles and practices.

Photo via DW.

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