Webinar: Enhancing Scientific Discoveries through Open Data in Africa

Webinar: Enhancing Scientific Discoveries through Open Data in Africa 1024 577 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

June 27, 2024, 12:00 PM CEST

The Science for Africa Foundation (SFA) has officially launched Open Research Africa (ORA), a pioneering peer-reviewed publishing platform aimed at facilitating transparent and rapid communication of diverse research outputs. This innovative platform is powered by F1000, a leading open science publisher, and embodies the joint mission of both organizations: to disseminate high-quality research from Africa to the global community, fostering rapid sharing, discovery, and reuse of African research for the benefit of all.

Enhancing Scientific Discoveries Through Open Access

In the contemporary academic landscape, there is a growing trend among publishers and funding agencies to encourage researchers to openly share the data underpinning their findings. Research shows that openly available datasets can lead to further research and greater impact, as other researchers can reuse this data, thereby advancing scientific knowledge and breaking new ground. This open sharing benefits not only the authors but also the wider scientific community and the public.

Key Aspects of Open Research Africa

The launch event highlighted several critical elements of the ORA publishing model and its potential benefits for the research community. The session included:

  • Introduction to the ORA Publishing Model: An overview of how ORA operates, emphasizing its commitment to open access and rapid dissemination of research.
  • Variety of Research Outputs: ORA offers a wide array of research outputs, accommodating various types of scholarly work beyond traditional articles.
  • Benefits of Open Data Sharing: Understanding the significance of openly sharing data, which can lead to increased visibility, collaboration, and impact of research.
  • Eligibility, Policies, and Guidelines: Detailed information on the policies and guidelines governing open data sharing, ensuring researchers understand the requirements and benefits.

Key Figures in the Initiative

Two prominent figures are driving the ORA initiative forward:

  • Diksha Awasthi: As a Business Liaison Manager, Open Research, at the Taylor and Francis Group, Diksha focuses on nurturing partnerships and providing author support and capacity-building training within India, South Asia, and Africa.
  • Elizabeth Marincola: Serving as Senior Advisor for Communications and Advocacy at the Science for Africa Foundation, Elizabeth is responsible for overseeing ORA. Her role involves collaboration with F1000 to ensure the platform meets its goals of enhancing the visibility and impact of African research.


The launch of Open Research Africa marks a significant step towards making African research more accessible and impactful on a global scale. By promoting open access and data sharing, SFA and F1000 are enabling a new era of scientific collaboration and discovery. Researchers and stakeholders in the academic community are encouraged to engage with ORA, leveraging its resources to advance their work and contribute to the global pool of knowledge.

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