Announcing the State of Open Infrastructure 2024

Announcing the State of Open Infrastructure 2024 900 497 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

Over the past year, Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) has conducted an in-depth investigation into the State of Open Infrastructure, examining aspects such as characteristics, funding, governance, adoption, and policy development. IOI are excited to share the results of this work today.

The report presents exclusive data and analysis on open infrastructure’s attributes and the issues affecting them, viewed through multiple lenses for a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem.

It also includes perspectives from various stakeholders, highlighting key trends and emerging opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and investment. The report offers strategic insights and actionable recommendations to help stakeholders navigate change and complexity in research and higher education, make informed decisions, and mitigate risks.

The full report, “The State of Open Infrastructure,” is available at this link. Additionally, we offer two dashboards to explore the data:

  • Characteristics of Open Infrastructure: Analysis based on Infra Finder data, including policies, community engagement, governance, and technical information.
  • Grant Funding Data: Examination of grant funding for open infrastructure by time, geography, funder, type of support, and type of infrastructure.

Explore the full State of Open Infrastructure report.

Key Findings

  • Open Infrastructures show a strong commitment to community engagement, governance, and transparent policies and practices. Read “Characteristics of selected open infrastructures.”
  • Analysis of $415M+ in grant funding reveals that open infrastructures are cited in many awards, highlighting their significance in research and scholarship. Read “The state of open infrastructure grant funding.”
  • Procurement and IT governance processes can complicate the adoption of open infrastructure, but consortia and networks can help mitigate risks. Read “The influence of procurement and information technology governance processes on the adoption of open infrastructure” and “Trends in open infrastructure performance and adoption.”

Explore the full State of Open Infrastructure report.

Get Involved

The State of Open Infrastructure report is a snapshot at a particular time and place, and we view this as the starting point for further exploration and development.

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