20 key organisations and networks and a list of over 100 experts identified in the OPUS WP1
20 key organisations and networks and a list of over 100 experts identified in the OPUS WP1 https://opusproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/OPUS_team-group-photo-1024x850.png 1024 850 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project https://opusproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/OPUS_team-group-photo-1024x850.pngOur team made a lot of progress on the work package one (WP1) of the OPUS project State-of-the-art on existing literature and initiatives for Open Science.
A full analysis of the H2020 work programmes from SWAFS, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Research Infrastructure, Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation, relevant to Open Science has been made.
Our team members were really busy in the last three months: they have reviewed 35 projects, taking half through to the second phase of a more in-depth review. They have identified about 20 key organisations and networks and a list of over 100 experts, with whom our team wants to involve throughout the project.
Also, the OPUS team is wading through the literature on topics like gender equality and open science, precarity and open science, industry and open science…
This part of the OPUS activities (WP1) is the foundation for future work packages, so looking forward to lots of key inputs.
About Work Package One (WP1)
OPUS WP1 team led by RESOLVO conducts (and will later update) state-of-the-art on initiatives and literature to reform research(er) assessment and incentivise and reward Open Science, which will include a stakeholder engagement plan identifying key stakeholders to support the stakeholder input and validation sessions in #WP2 – Interventions for Open Science (Rewards and Incentives for Researchers) and #WP3 – Indicators and Metrics for Open Science (Rewards and incentives for Researchers), as well as gauging the level of (mis)trust in Open Science in the research community.
The initiatives includes key (1) projects, (2) experts and organisations, (3) networks and schemes.
The literature reviews focuses on (1) research(er) assessment, (2) incentives and rewards, (3) precarity of research careers, (4) gender equality, (5) industry practices.
About OPUS project
The OPUS project is an EU-funded project implemented by an eighteen-organisations consortium led by The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN). The Open and Universal Science (OPUS) project develops coordination and support measures to reform the assessment of research and researchers at Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) and Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) towards a system that incentivises and rewards researchers to take up Open Science practices.
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