Achievements observed within UNIRI concerning Research(er) Assessment?
Achievements observed within UNIRI concerning Research(er) Assessment? https://opusproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/UNIRI-video-interview-1024x546.png 1024 546 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project https://opusproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/UNIRI-video-interview-1024x546.pngThe University of Rijeka (UNIRI) is proudly participating as one of the pilot Research Performing Organisations in the Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project. This innovative initiative has developed a Research Assessment Framework (RAF) designed to introduce a comprehensive set of interventions and indicators promoting Open Science practices. The goal is to create a system that incentivises and rewards researchers for embracing these practices.
The OPUS project is currently testing its RAF with five pilot institutions, including UNIRI. In this video interview with a UNIRI representative, we delve into the university’s notable strengths and achievements in the Research(er) Assessment.
Key Highlights from UNIRI’s Participation in OPUS:
- Innovative Assessment Practices: UNIRI has been at the forefront of integrating innovative research assessment practices that align with Open Science principles.
- Enhanced Collaboration: The RAF has fostered greater collaboration among researchers, enhancing interdisciplinary projects and partnerships.
The University of Rijeka’s involvement in the OPUS project underscores its commitment to fostering an environment where innovative research practices are encouraged and rewarded. Stay tuned for the full video interview to gain deeper insights into UNIRI’s journey and the impact of the OPUS Research Assessment Framework.
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