OPUS Mutual Learning Event in Vilnius
OPUS Mutual Learning Event in Vilnius https://opusproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Futuristic-global-network-concept-with-glowing-planet-earth-map-and-connection-lines-on-dark-blue-1024x768.webp 1024 768 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project https://opusproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Futuristic-global-network-concept-with-glowing-planet-earth-map-and-connection-lines-on-dark-blue-1024x768.webpAs part of the OPUS Project’s endeavour to foster mutual learning and collaboration among pilot Research organisations (RPOs) and Research organisations (RFOs), a relevant event is set to take place in Vilnius. The event, scheduled for April 23rd, 2024, aims to facilitate the sharing of experiences and insights gained through the pilot actions undertaken by participating organisations.
The Vilnius Mutual Learning event is designed to facilitate the exchange of experiences among pilot organisations participating in the pilot action. Its primary objective is to foster dialogue around the positive aspects, critical challenges, and areas for improvement observed within each pilot initiative, ultimately leading to good practices and recommendations.
At different pilot phases, stakeholders representing key players will be actively involved in conducting comprehensive after-pilot reviews and consultations to evaluate the outcomes of the pilots. Dissemination efforts will be targeted towards RFOs and RPOs, engaging all identified stakeholders to empower researchers and enhance organisational readiness for Open Science practices.
The Pilot Committee (comprising the Mutual Learning Group) will convene online and in-person to exchange both positive and critical aspects of their pilot initiatives. This exchange is anticipated to yield good practices and recommendations, vital for advancing the project’s objectives and paving the way for other organisations to implement the RAF. The first in-person ML meeting will be on April 23, 2025, and it will be followed by a final mutual learning exercise in person next year.
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