OPUS Project Organises Workshop on “Gender Equality and Open Science”

OPUS Project Organises Workshop on “Gender Equality and Open Science” 1024 850 Open and Universal Science (OPUS) Project

The OPUS project is organising a workshop on “Gender Equality and Open Science,” scheduled for 5 July 2024, from 12:00 to 14:00 CEST. This workshop aims to foster discussions on open science and gender equality, and to collectively reflect on how to integrate gender equality into open science initiatives.

The workshop, led by gender experts from Vilnius University (VU), is a significant step towards promoting gender-sensitive practices in scientific research.

The initiative follows a comprehensive survey distributed to the OPUS pilot research performing and research funding organisations that aims to gather insights on current gender equality policies, plans and their integration with open science.

The event promises to be an interactive session where participants can share ideas and develop actionable strategies.

This effort is part of the OPUS project’s ongoing commitment to advancing gender equality in academia and fostering an inclusive research environment.

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